Learning Objectives

The Seven Week Revision Intensive

    1. Terms of Service and Community Guidelines

    2. Technical Details and Where to Get Help

    1. Welcome to the Seven Week Revision Intensive

    2. Book Recommendations

    3. Additional Resources

    4. Please introduce yourself to the community

    5. Understanding Genre and Age Category

    6. Genre Reference Guide

    1. MONDAY MEET-UP - Welcome Session and Course Q&A

    2. Is it Middle Grade or YA? That is the question!

    3. Seven Week Revision Intensive Workbook 1

    4. Week One - Query Audit

    5. Understanding Deep Revision, a discussion between Book Coach Julie Artz and Her Client and Friend, Suzette Mullen

    6. Understanding Deep Revision - Audio only

    1. Welcome to Week Two - Four Tools for Reverse Outlining

    2. MONDAY MEET-UP - Hot Seat Coaching on The Big Picture

    3. More Help with your Query Audit

    4. Video Recording: Query Audit Coaching Session

    5. Audio Recording - Query Audit Coaching Session

    6. SUBMISSION ONE: Submit Your Query

    7. Video Lecture - The Synopsis Audit

    8. Tools 1 & 2 - The Tent Pole Scenes Outline and the Messy Synopsis

    9. Tool 3 - The Inside Outline

    10. Tool 4 - The Book Map

    11. EVENT: Working Session

    1. Welcome to Week 3

    2. MONDAY MEET-UP: Hot Seat Coaching on the Synopsis Audit and the Four Tools

    3. AUDIO ONLY - Week Three Hot Seat Coaching

    4. Video Lecture - Character Motivation

    5. Seven Week Revision Intensive Workbook 4 - Character, Subplots, and Theme

    6. EVENT: Revising for Plot with Plot Wizard Rebecca Petruck on May 3

    7. SUBMISSION TWO: Plot Structure

    8. EVENT: Working Session

    1. Welcome To Week Four

    2. MONDAY MEET-UP: Hot Seat Coaching on Plot and Character

    3. Video Lecture: Understanding Scene

    4. The Six Building-Blocks of Scene

    5. Seven Week Revision Intensive Workbook 5

    6. Writing Emotion at the Scene Level

    7. Event: (Shorter than normal) Working Session

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  • $750.00
  • 61 lessons

Create a revision plan that works, with expert guidance from Book Coach Julie Artz.